Douglas E. Rake, President and CEO,
Mr. Rake is President and Chief Executive Officer of Racke Strategies & Technologies, Inc. (RST), which he founded in 1984. Mr. Rake and his company concentrate on the formulation and execution of strategies for the development and growth of international collaborations in science and technology research, development and applications, international market entry, and business development. RST and Mr. Rake have a great deal of experience in advising some of the world's premier research institutions and corporations; leaders in the development and applications of advanced technology, on their efforts to forge strategic relationships with international interests as well as with U.S.-based parties.
Mr. Rake and his company have, over the past two decades, served as senior advisors and consultants to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), several national laboratory partnerships and the University of California for international program development, operation and expansion in a wide range of fields involving the development and application of advanced science and technology capabilities. For national laboratory clients the areas of interaction with Japan and other international parties include: nuclear energy, non-proliferation, security, safety and safeguards, inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and high energy density (HED) science, advanced photonics and high energy laser technology development, chemical and biological defense, chemical weapons demilitarization, high performance computing applications and engagement in support of U.S-Japan cooperation on risk assessment, disaster management and emergency response, counter-terrorism, cooperation on critical and advanced materials and related security concerns of interest to both nations and other nations in the Asia Pacific region and in other parts of the world. Mr. Rake and RST also advise U.S. national laboratories and corporate clients on Japan, Asia-Pacific and European initiatives and other international opportunities. This work includes collaboration for technology development and applications and the providing of expert technical assistance and/or the utilization of unique science and technology in a wide range of other areas including advanced energy technologies, energy and environmental security, climate science, advanced materials R&D, life sciences and the utilization and further development of high performance computing.
In 2015, RST began advising the Giant Magellan Telescope Organization regarding potential Japanese participation in this ambitious international project.
In the field of nuclear energy and with respect to other energy sources, Mr. Rake and his company work to advise and otherwise support RST’s corporate clients on matters pertaining to international cooperation including interactions between U.S. and international parties such as Japan and other nations that are now or may become U.S. partners around the world. At present, RST’s corporate clients for this work include Itochu Corporation and CH2M Hill Inc.
Mr. Rake continues to advise a variety of public and private sector clients on the creation and operation of joint Japan-U.S. and other multilateral initiatives involving public affairs, science and technology, R&D, and policy. In this arena, an additional RST area of particular expertise is in the development and implementation of public information strategies.
Mr. Rake has written and produced numerous television programs on Japan, Japan-U.S. relations and the Asia-Pacific Region. Mr. Rake has written and produced many television programs, for prime-time viewing on American Public Television (PBS) with a particular emphasis on programming related to the U.S. and its relations with East Asia and the Pacific Rim region. From 1997 through 2000, Mr. Rake wrote a regular column for NIKKEI NET BUSINESS, Japan’s leading information technology magazine. Mr. Rake continues to write, on policy, science and technology, for a variety of American and international publications.
Mr. Rake has served as a member of the Japan-U.S. Track II Initiative for Nonproliferation, Arms Control, Disarmament and Verification. Mr. Rake has also served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Parliamentary Human Rights Foundation (formerly the Congressional Human Rights Foundation). For two years prior to joining the Board, Mr. Rake served as the Congressional Human Rights Foundation's sole advisor on the successful establishment of a parliamentary exchange program on human rights issues between the Japanese Diet and the United States Congress. Mr. Rake played a similar role in the establishment of a U.S.-Japan exchange program in the law enforcement field. Mr. Rake has written for The Annals of Political and Social Science on this topic, presented expert testimony to Members of the U.S. Congress and has produced prime-time television specials for the American Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). He has accompanied many U.S. Chiefs of Police, U.S. Senators, Members of Congress and other senior officials to Japan, in connection with a variety of programs and initiatives, throughout the history of his company and has served as an Advisor to elected officials and Presidential campaigns and candidates on U.S. relations with Japan and its interests, policies and programs in the Asia-Pacific region.
Mr. Prior to founding RST, Mr. Rake worked as an import-export trader for an American trading company and was the founder and President of Shinzen Productions Inc., a non-profit production company specializing in the production of film and television programs on Japan, Japan-U.S. relations and the Asia-Pacific region. Due to his extensive experience and unique network of high-level relationships, Mr. Rake remains active as a principal and advisor, on a selective basis, to several enterprises in the technology, trade development and international investment fields.
Mr. Rake has many years of language training in Japanese and has worked in Japan over a period of nearly four decades. He has extensive experience working with Japanese and Asian leaders in business, government, mass media and academia on a wide range of projects. Mr. Rake received a B.S. degree in Anthropology from the University of Oregon, had field experience in the Western Desert of Australia and pursued Japanese language studies at the post-graduate level at the University of Washington. He has been an honorary member of the Foreign Correspondents Club, Tokyo and is a member of the Japan Society, Inc., New York; the University Club, Portland; and numerous related and professional organizations and associations.
For additional information, please contact:
Douglas E. Rake
President & CEO
Racke Strategies & Technologies
Tel: (503) 225-1950
Mobile: (503) 780-8080
Japan Mobile: 080-2187-0200
The RST team includes a number of Associates. Names and biographies of Associates are available upon request.